Contact Us

If you want to talk to us, call 08 9443 7454 or 040 7454 042 or e-mail us.

We are in Perth, Western Australia.

Our cafe is opening in early 2007:

289 Beaufort St, Northbridge
Cnr Brisbane St - opposite Brisbane Hotel
08 9328 1449

If you would like to join our free news list, e-mail us your details and we'll add you to the database.

There are two ways to join:

  • FRIEND: you'll receive occasional updates about edible-activism, upcoming events and lightly sautéed news. You will not receive any requests to volunteer.
  • VOLUNTEER: you will recieve the "friend" e-mails plus occasional obligation-free invitations to volunteer to help with cooking for an upcoming event. We only call for volunteers where we are doing a low-cost event for a community organsiation or charity. No experience is necessary.

It is a low traffic, one-direction list. We do not pass on your details on to anyone else and you can be removed at any time.

We would also welcome people’s questions, comments, suggestions – and of course referrals.