Guiding Values
Cooks with a Conscience is all about activism for the tastebuds!
To give you a general flavour for how we approach our adventures, here is the recipe ...

Questions not answers
Although we are interested in asking "from where the meal came", CwaC is not about having "the answers" to sustainable food.
It's about having fun and eating well while gently sautéing the questions.
Everyone welcome
Diversity is a wonderful thing and everyone is welcome at our table.
In fact, let me get you a plate!
(For the record... YES that includes kids, YES that includes meat eaters and YES that includes non-cooks.)
Action not theory
Although we were founded on some key ideas, CwaC is about rice not rhetoric, lettuce not lectures and filo not philosophising!
Although sustainability is close to our hearts and we don't reckon we qualify as "apolitical", our core function is all about doing.
If you looking for debate, try parliament... but if the thought of two kilos of fresh basil or hand rolled pumpkin and thyme gnocchi makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, maybe you should meet us in the kitchen.
Pinch of humour in every dish
OK, we are dishing up some pretty juicy issues but let's not take ourselves too seriously ok?
Fun is a very serious objective of this organisation.
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