Grants and Funding: Where to Get Money!

Got a great idea, concept or project which just needs some cash to blossom?
Desparate to change the world but can't afford it?
Involved with an organisation which needs help to make ends meet?

There are literally thousands of sources of grants and funding available in Australia - along with lots of other sources of in-kind support. You just gotta know where to look!

This funding list is a free resource for organisers and it is copy-left: you are free to use it, reproduce it, modify it however you like.

These links are provided in good faith, to link people with the money they need. However, please note that we have no association with any site listed and cannot guarantee the content or functionality.

The internet is a transient place, so keeping it up to date is a constant process. If you know of a site we should add, change or delete, please e-mail it to us.

Types of funding
  • Grants: usually a formalised application process with strict criteria or time frame. May be government or non-government. Maybe once off or on-going. The most important thing here is demonstrating that your project fits their criteria.
  • Sponsorship: Usually a corporate organisation, but may also be private or government. The most important thing here is demonstrating that you can offer them great exposure or publicity for their brand.
  • Prizes and awards: These are cash and other gifts awarded for competitions in particular areas. They are often structured similarly to grants.

Remember: grant success is not just about having a great idea. It is about matching your project to the funding body requirements through writing a great application. If you are new to grant writing, check these links for tips about the process: Learning Place Grant Writing Tips, WA Innovation Guide to Grant Writing, Vernier's list of grant-writing links, or the wonderful Our Community Funding Portal which is FULL of information.

Grant Directories
These fantastic searchable directories will lead you to thousands of individual grant opportunities and are a great starting place if you're not sure what money is out there. Try searching on your project key words eg: “environment”, “music”, “youth”

General Sources of Funding

Environment Conservation & Heritage Funding

  • Landcare Australia offers various different grant programs for community groups wanting to improve their local enviroment
  • National Library Community Heritage Grants are designed to preserve and provide access to nationally significant Australian cultural heritage material held by community groups
  • Waste Management Board of Western Australia Community Grants Scheme provides funding for small, generally localscale community-based projects that improve the management of waste in Western Australia, or provide technical information to communities about waste management projects to be established near them.
  • The Gordon Reid Foundation for Conservation exists to help community groups conserve natural habitats and biodiversity
  • The Department of Environment, WA Environment Awards are designed to acknowledge and celebrate the dedicated Western Australians who strive to protect our unique environment. There are categories for business, individuals and organisations
  • Perth Biodiversity Project (PBP) through WA Local Government Association
    aims to promote the long-term retention, protection and management of local biodiversity in the Perth Metropolitan Region.

Children and Youth

Is it by, with or for young people? Check these out...

  • For youth initiaitives anywhere in Australia see Foundation for Young Australians Young people can apply themselves!
  • Youth Grants WA is a state government program which provides funding support for activities that encourage youth participation and the provision of services and facilities for WA young people.
  • The Gordon Reid Foundation for Youth exists to initiate, implement and progress projects that have an impact on key social issues facing young people.
  • The Foundation for Children offers grants to improve the health, welfare and well-being of the future of children
  • St George Foundation provide support to charitable organisations throughout Australia to help them assist children and young people
  • Save the Children helps not for profit organisations to implement projects which address rights and needs of children
  • Several of the above organisations, while not youth-specific have special categories for youth grants - or a mandate to fund youth programs. These include Lotterywest and Healthway
  • For Youth Arts projects in WA try YCulture. It's suitable for first-timers! You can also Join Propelarts (FREE if you're under 25) to receive a fortnightly e-zine which regularly includes new funding opportunities.

Community Development and Social Justice

  • JB Seed is John Butler's foundation which offers seed grants including social justice / creative activism
  • United Way is one of the world’s leading organisations dedicated to meeting the urgent needs of disadvantaged people throughout the community.
  • The Office of Multicultural Interest funds projects and events that facilitate positive interaction among the citizens of our diverse community.
  • Department for Community Development offers various grants for promoting harmony and celebrating diversity
  • Dept of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaCS) offer the
    Volunteer Small Equipment Grant to provide funding of up to $3000 to help organisations purchase equipment in the direct support of volunteers whose work contributes to supporting families and/or strengthening communities.
  • Paul Newman's Own provides funds for non-profit organisations which receive minimal government funding.
  • The Peter Brock Foundation has a strong commitment to assisting the community and individuals in times of need with grants for welfare, social issues and community programs.
  • Australians Working Together - Building Diversity through Dept of Education & Training (WA) aims to enhance learning environments and service delivery so that equitable training and employment outcomes can be achieved by people with a wide variety of backgrounds and skills, particularly those people from the specified groups.
  • The Myer Foundation exists to support initiatives that address current social justice issues in order to create a more just and equitable society.
  • The Mary Potter Foundation provides grants to community groups in Australia that actively work towards addressing the human rights and social justice needs of the disadvantaged.
  • For disability funding try Dept of Employment and Workplace Relations (employers), Disability Services Commission (WA), Dept of Education & Training (WA)
  • Scanlon Foundation (formerly Brencorp) has a mission“to support the creation of a larger cohesive Australian society” through policy discussion and debate aimed at increasing Australia 's population and promoting independence, empowerment and fulfilment of potential for people/groups from culturally diverse backgrounds

Arts Funding

  • For Youth Arts projects in WA try YCulture. VERY accessible and suitable for first-timers! You can also Join Propelarts (FREE if you're under 25) to receive a fortnightly e-zine which regularly includes new funding opportunities.
  • For regional arts funding, in any artform, check out Country Arts WA
  • For ongoing or once off arts projects promoting healthy messages in WA try Healthway
  • For any project or concept supporting artists, arts projects and organisations in WA check out Arts WA for a range of grant programs
  • Australia Council has larger grant programs in the following areas: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts; Community Cultural Development; Dance; Literature; Music; New Media; Theatre and Visual Arts & Craft. (not ideal for first timers)
  • WA Film and television funding is available through ScreenWest. The Film and Television Institute can help you develop and submit your grant proposals. It also runs a Members Production Group which makes short films using free equipment from FTI.
  • The Australian Film Commision funds the Australian film industry, including film projects, events and festivals. (not ideal for first timers)
  • A variety of Community Arts Projects are supported by Community Arts Network WA
    Organisations wanting funding for youth music events can try Rampage
  • For funding, development and promotion of your touring art exhibition, contact Art On the Move
  • Festivals Australia provides assistance to regional and community Australian festivals for the presentation of quality cultural activities. (not ideal for first timers)
  • The State Literature Centre supports writers groups and writing festivals across the whole of WA.
  • JB Seed is John Butler's foundation which offers seed grants in the areas of arts management, music and social justice / creative activism

Business and Enterprise

  • For starting or growing a small business, the Small Business Development Corporation in the city and statewide network of Business Enterprise Centres offer free advice and assistance in all sorts of areas including finance; marketing; business planning; market research; trade information; exporting; home based business; and regulations and licencing. They also run low-cost skills workshops and offer stacks of free resources including their downloadable small business briefs on a range of topics.
  • Check out their list of grants for small business
    Also consider the Home Based Business Network and Young Business Network for great networking and support for people in the same situation.
  • The New Enterprise Incentive Scheme assists eligible job seekers who have an idea for a viable new small business to establish their self-employment venture. In addition to training in small business management, business advice and mentor support, NEIS provides you with 12 months of income support (money!) while you get your arts enterprise off the ground.
  • Federal government grants & funding page lists federal grants available to business
  • The Export Market Development Grant Scheme provides assistance to Australian exporters seeking out and developing export business by repaying part of their promotional expenses.
  • Small Business Smart Business is an annual program providing up to $200 towards the cost of any form of training that will help to improve the productivity of a Western Australian small business.
  • Indigenous Small Business Fund offers funding to Indigenous community based organisations to assist Indigenous people to learn about business, develop good business skills and expand their business.
  • ENYA’s Micro Finance Fund provides to young entrepreneurs, 16-24 years, entering the business world by offering capital equipment grants and interest free loans.
  • Small Business Entrepreneurship Program (SBEP) is a merit-based grant program that aims to assist in fostering entrepreneurship, including the growth potential and/or sustainability of small businesses
  • Busigrants and Business Entry Point both provide information about government funding for businesses

This page is a work in progress. More links coming soon!