Fair Trade

Welcome to Fair Trade - one of our "Food Issues" info pages (see menu to the right for other topics).
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To us, Fair Trade is about ensuring that the people who produce the products we enjoy, get a fair go. That means safe working conditions, freedom from exploitation and a living wage.
Oxfam has more information if you'd like to learn more.
Fair Trade shopping in Perth
Fair Go Trading
This great shop is a Perth-based retailer and supplier of fair trade and organic goodies including coffee, tea, chocolate, drinking chocolate and snacks. They also have a selection of fairly traded crafts produced by talented artisans from areas such as Peru, Aceh, Bangladesh, Kashmir and Central Australia.
They can be contacted on (08) 9228 2610. The shop is at 197 Brisbane St Perth, Western Australia, 6000 (opposite Hotel Northbridge).
Fair Trade Locator allows you to search for a fair trade product in your area.
Oxfam's Fair-Trade WA lists include:
Oxfam has more information if you'd like to learn more.
Fair Trade shopping in Perth
Fair Go Trading
This great shop is a Perth-based retailer and supplier of fair trade and organic goodies including coffee, tea, chocolate, drinking chocolate and snacks. They also have a selection of fairly traded crafts produced by talented artisans from areas such as Peru, Aceh, Bangladesh, Kashmir and Central Australia.
They can be contacted on (08) 9228 2610. The shop is at 197 Brisbane St Perth, Western Australia, 6000 (opposite Hotel Northbridge).
Fair Trade Locator allows you to search for a fair trade product in your area.
Oxfam's Fair-Trade WA lists include:

Other Fair Trade Links
People for Fair Trade
PFFT are a voluntary network of people in Australia who are committed to fair trade with producers of goods, through the support of education and alternative trade.
Fair Trade Association of Australia and New Zealand is the regional body bringing together all organisations and individuals interested and working in the fair trade movement.
People for Fair Trade
PFFT are a voluntary network of people in Australia who are committed to fair trade with producers of goods, through the support of education and alternative trade.
Fair Trade Association of Australia and New Zealand is the regional body bringing together all organisations and individuals interested and working in the fair trade movement.
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