Promote your Perth Event online

Promotions and marketing is often one of the biggest challenges with making any event successful. This list gives you some useful links to promote your event on line for FREE – potentially reaching audiences which would never have heard about it otherwise.
This list is copy-left: you are free to use it, reproduce it, modify it however you like.
These links are provided in good faith, to assist people to get their events off the ground. However, please note that we have no association with any site listed and cannot guarantee the content or functionality.
The internet is a transient place, so keeping it up to date is a constant process. If you know of a site we should add, change or delete, please e-mail it to us.
Also check out the tips at the bottom of this page and other resources in our resource section for more goodies.
sites for promoting almost any event and widen your audience:
Streets of Perth is quite professional and mainstream and accepts all types of events.
Scroll down & click “Calendar” on bottom left. Click “add event” button either on your date or at the bottom. Suitable for any event: arts, activism, education, fundraising, sport, festivals.
The electronic version of the Perth “lifestyle magazine”
ALL sorts of events including Arts events, kids events, sports / outdoor, festivals, courses etc
Click on “submit your event”
It is a very professional, “upmarket” site but they check everything manually and they need minimum 21 days notice!
a Blog style collaborative event calendar.
Accepts anything – but lists mostly entertainment
Need to create account first.
Very grass roots but with lots of listings. International concept.
Perth Perth
A discussion board style site where you can list any event – under appropriate topic
Register and then add your event
Take a Break
Holiday / travel / fun events
Register and then add your event
A bit touristy but also suitable for events aimed at locals.
Perth Infonet
Run by the radio station 94.5
This is as MAINSTREAM COMMERCIAL as it gets… but worth considering and quite diverse. HEAPS of local traffic!!!
Click on “infonet” on the side menu.
The best bit is they read out the community listings on air for free – so you’ll get a listening audience too.
Perth City Life
A good general info site about Perth for locals and tourists, including event calendar.
Suits any fun public event or tourist activity – under appropriate category. Not suited to meetings or small activist events.
Click “Add your event” and use online form.
A less glossy looking site but still lists lots of events. A bit touristy but also suitable for events aimed at locals.
What’s on in Perth and Fremantle
Aimed at tourists but lots for locals too.
Anything – but lists mostly entertainment or tourist activities
You can’t submit on line.
(They also have a printed guide to advertise in but that takes lead time and costs money. )
Perth Tourist Centre On line
Tourist focused events and info site.
Any general events of interest to tourists
Click “add your event” at the bottom of the page.
Fill in on-line form.
Events must be submitted at least 30 days in advance.
City Search
This well known, massive hit site has a free events section. Although it’s national, you can select your state to add an event.
Club, community and arts events. Anything really.
Use on line form - send it at least 10 days in advance of the event
Get A Life
An extraordinary cyber community which allows you to post “events” and “communities” for other to view and join.
Any event or community of interest.
You have to join first but basic membership is free. You can trial the “deluxe” membership for 14 days for free too – which is enough if you’re just listing a once-off event.
Consider registering your group as well. Sophisticated database and design. Probably only worth using if you post regular events.
Freo Focus
A council run Freo event list
Anything in or near Freo (the whole council area – not just the suburb)
Click event form link at bottom of page.

for promoting shows, films, concerts, theater, music and lifestyle events
Independent Theatre Association Website
Aimed at amateur theatre participants and audiences – although good support from the professional arena.
A really pumping active site. National but WA based. Lots of local arts traffic.
Suitable for arts related events and shows – mostly theatre. Also auditions, jobs and arts news.
First select “add company” and register yourself. If you are not from a “real” theatre company, your group name is just fine!
Then select “add event” and fill in the form with full details. You may also like to put news of your event on some of the bulletin boards.
Note clearly that your event is in WA if you don’t want responses from all over the country.
Arts Hub
Extremely professional high traffic national arts website.
Very “industry”. You actually have to join as a member to post things on this site – but it’s worth it ($55.00) if you want to attract people from the arts sector.
Arts events, news, auditions, jobs etc.
Not really suitable to just publicize a performance: more events which would interest the arts industry. Send your MEDIA RELEASE to:
or add a new industry event, go to the “events” page.
Important to look at this site first to get a feel for it - Not really suited to general public events.
This is WA’s peak youth art’s organisation.
Great site and good hit rate. If you add an event it will usually also be added to their fortnightly e-zine and e-mailed to several thousand people.
Any arts or cultural event or any youth event which would appeal to under 25s.
You do need to join to add events – but it’s really worth it, with heaps of benefits.
Membership is FREE if you are 25 or under and a nominal cost for over 25s.
If you write an article about the event and e-mail it to they may publish it in the fortnightly e-zine for you.
Activism sites:
for promoting meetings, protests, courses, fundraisers and gigs with any sort of social justice, environmental, human rights, progressive, alternative or independent flavour.
Active Perth
All about positive social change with an electronic event calender to publicise their events.
It e-mails events to people.
Meetings, protests, fundraisers and gigs with any sort of social justice / environmental flavour. Needs to appeal to an alternative / activist readership.
Click “add event” and fill in the form
A Perth version of a National site which is well maintained and e-mails subscribers weekly. You may want to check out their “groups” page for people to notify.
The Project SafeCom Events Calendar
A non-profit incorporated organisation working for "a safe community" for displaced people. They formed primarily to work on refugee issues but now campaign on a variety of different causes. Their calendar is a service which promotes external events for like-minded groups.
The Conservation Council of WA
The peak body for all the environmental groups in WA who publish both a print newsletter and e-bulletin.
If you e-mail them your environment-related info and request they include it, they may consider it as a free news listing. They do charge for including A4 / A5 inserts in their newsletter – but this is very inexpensive and a great way to get your full flyer out to loads of active environment groups all over Perth.
Greenleft weekly
Website of the independent newspaper “committed to human and civil rights, global peace and environmental sustainability, democracy and equality”
Meetings, protests, fundraisers and gigs with any sort of social justice, sustainability, alternative or independent flavour.
e-mail your event to:
Government site with resources for those interested in active citizenship, community consultation and participation.
Good "What’s On" Calendar for any community related activities.
It’s government, so certain activist events may not be too popular :)
Perth’s Independent Media Centre. Activist run. Great site!
Suitable for actions, protests, meetings, seminars, arts events
Use the form at the bottom of the page. You can also join.
Greens WA
The site of the Greens WA political party
Any sustainability related events including social justice, environment and cultural sustainability, peace and non-violence.
e-mail and ask to have it put on the “Announce” e-list which goes out to hundreds of members.
Sustainable Business Network
e-mail discussion list which invites people to listen in and post messages and questions related to sustainable business, with an Australian and International focus.
Any sustainability related events
You have to join to post to the list.
It’s free. Note that it’s a discussion list – not an events list – so you need to actually want to be part of it in an ongoing way. Letting people know about appropiate events is ok - but don't bombard them with advertising!
FOOD sites
Eating WA Forums
A good new local foodie site with discussion board style forums. Note that it’s a discussion list – not an events list – so you need to actually want to be part of it in an ongoing way. Letting people know about appropiate events is ok - but don't bombard them with advertising! You do need to join to post.
Club Veg Perth
Club-Veg Perth is a yahoo e-group for all Perth vegetarians and vegans to socialise, network and make new freindships within the growing vegetarian community of Perth. Note that it’s a discussion list – not an events list – so you need to actually want to be part of it in an ongoing way. Letting people know about appropiate events is ok - but don't bombard them with advertising! There is also a little used events calendar. Perth Vegan and Perth Vegans Unite are similar concepts but for vegans. Also see Perth Raw Foodists.
Perth Veg
This is a privately owned, local information site with lots of good links. They post veg*n or animal rights related events on the home page. For consideration, e-mail your event to:
Notes on promoting your event:
- Give your event a great name and a short, clear description. Note that in many sites, only the heading will appear and people have to click for more info – so if it is not obvious from your name what it’s all about, many people may miss it.
- Please respect what the site is for. Misuse of a site will not only we a waste of your energy, it is considered quite unacceptable to promote something outside the site guidelines and could result in you being excluded from using the site in the future.
- Post events as EARLY as possible: some sites take a while to put things up. For most events, 4-6 weeks in advance is ideal.
- Always include contact details, date, time and cost.
- Come up with as many key words as you can. Remember you want to be found by interested people if they search!
- DON’T include the exact address if you don’t want people to show up without booking!
- You can sometimes list events in multiple categories and this will mean your event shows up in more user searches.
- Don’t be afraid to enter your details if asked to “join”. These sites are all reputable and you can always opt out of e-mail lists if you like.
- Consider other forms of FREE (or almost free) promotions too such as media releases, word of mouth, self-produced flyers in venues etc. E-mail me if you would like a list of suggested places to put your flyers in Perth!
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