Catering Library: Borrow Crockery

Our Catering Library is a Source of portable food-service equipment available for loan to selected charities and non-government organisations.
Interested? Here's the details:
What is the Catering Libary for?
Not everyone who wants to run an event owns 47 soup bowls, 100 wine glasses & and urn ...
For a non-profit organisation, even something as small as hiring crockery can really chew into a shoestring budget or offset the benefits of holding a fundraiser.
So when we found ourselves with a pool of unwanted catering gear and a place to store it, an idea was born. What if we made it available for loan to assist people to get their events off the ground?
What is available?
A detailed inventory is being prepared soon. In the meantime, here is a rough list:
- dinner plates (50 white china & 40 plastic)
- large plastic catering platters (30)
- small china platters (15 oval - could be used as large plates)
- assorted china coffee mugs (lots)
- china cups and saucers
- 2 urns
- 4 shelf food warmer
- slow cooker
- 100 white melamine food bowls
- a few large plastic salad bowls
- 40 water glasses + a few wine glasses
- portable electrical equipment such as deep fryer, toasters, electric frypan etc
- commercial sized pots and pans
- assorted cutlery
There are a few other items too and we accept donations of unwanted catering equipment so the pool is always growing.
Who can borrow from the catering library?
Most benevolent non-profit events or organisations will be considered. You do not need to be incorporated - collectives or individuals doing something wonderful for their community are welcome.
We are particularly encourage environmental, social justice, peace, youth and arts organisations to approach us.
Schools and other non-profits such as sporting groups may be considered in certain circumstances but are not our core focus. Please note that this service is not designed for businesses or government organisations who can afford to hire equipment.
Do I need to be a CwaC client to use this service?
No. Self catering groups are welcome to borrow from us and we'll help if we can.
Is it free?
We request a self determined voluntary contibution of $20-$50 per event, depending on your means, regardless of the amount of equipment required. This contribution helps us to offset the admin costs of the catering library and replace worn out equipment and is a small fraction of what commercial equipment hire costs.
It is voluntary so if this contribution genuinely beyond your means, please talk to us about your circumstances.
A $100 bond is also required. This bond will be used to offset any breakages or costs involved if equipment is not returned clean. Let us know if you'd like a list of the replacement costs of each item. If you return all equipment clean, your bond will be fully refunded.
What if we break something?
The reason we request a small volunary contribution to assist us to replace breakages / losses.
We understand that china gets broken sometimes and promise not to cry if you've dropped a plate or can't find the 99th teaspoon. So, while we request the the utmost care is taken, there is no penalty for one or two small breakages.
With the larger equipment, it is essential that you follow our instructions carefully to look after each item. Please be aware that if you break or loose a larger item such as electrical items or commercial pots and pans, we will probably withhold your bond to assist us to replace the item.
What are the responsibilities of the borrower?
The person who borrows the equipment will be asked to sign an agreement undertaking to:
- collect and return the equipment at an agreeed time, including removing it from storage area and returning it afterwards
- look after the equipment to the best of your ability, including following any instructions with electrical equipment
- ensure all items are thoroughly cleaned and dried and repacked neatly
- note any breakages / losses
Do CwaC deliver?
No - groups wishing to borrow from the library are required to collect the required equipment from our Northbridge Cafe and return it afterwards. Some of it is stored up high, so someone relatively agile is recommended.
Washing up
All equipment must be returned properly cleaned. If you don't have the capacity to ensure that this is done properly you would be better off to hire your equipment commercially and pay the company to wash it for you.
If our staff need to spend time doing your dishes, the cost of this will be subtracted from your bond and we will be unlikely to lend you gear in the future.
Can I donate items to the pool?
Yes - useful donations are always appreciated.
We accept any catering equipment, crockery, cutlery, glasses or utensils in reasonable condition. We especially need durable and matching service items plus easy to operate portable equipment such as flat grills, electric frypans, warmers, urns etc.
We do not generally accept small numbers of odd crockery / cutlery from your home kitchen. We recommend donating these to an op shop! We do not accept broken or dangerous equipment.
How do I find out more?
Call 08 9443 7454 or 040 7454 042 or e-mail us.
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